Dr. Daniel Angres

A top Addiction Medicine in Chicago, known for exceptional care and expertise.

Dr. Daniel Angres

Dr. Daniel Angres is an addiction medicine specialist and psychiatrist in Chicago, Illinois. He graduated from the University of Illinois College of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 30 years. He is the founder and medical director of Positive Sobriety Institute and has expertise in treating professionals with substance use disorders.

Location Information:

(312) 266-0404

2835 N Sheffield Ave Ste 407 Chicago, IL 60657







Why did we choose
Dr. Daniel Angres
as one of our Top Doctors

We are proud to present Dr. Daniel Angres, MD as one of the top doctors on our website. Dr. Angres is a psychiatrist and an addiction medicine specialist with over 47 years of experience in the medical field. He is the Medical Director of the Positive Sobriety Institute, a leading center for addiction assessment, rehabilitation, and recovery services in Chicago, Illinois. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, where he teaches and conducts research on addiction and dual disorders.

Dr. Angres has been recognized as a national expert in psychiatry, addiction, and physicians’ health programs. He has published several books and articles on the subject, such as “Healing the Healer”, “Miswired” and “Positive Sobriety”. He has also lectured at major academic medical centers across the USA, sharing his knowledge and insights on addiction treatment methods and outcomes. Dr. Angres is affiliated with Northwestern Medicine-Northwestern Memorial Hospital, one of the best hospitals in the nation. He graduated from Universidad de Guadalajara in 1976 and completed his residency and fellowship at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Contact Info:

1401 Westwood Blvd., Unit 320, Los Angeles, CA, 90024

