Dr. Michael Hopson, MD

A top Sports Medicine in Austin, known for exceptional care and expertise.

Dr. Michael Hopson, MD

I strive to provide compassionate and individualized patient care and believe in treating the patient with shared decision-making and coordinating care that meets their goals and expectations. Through my interest in sports medicine, I treat athletes at all stages of life and levels of competition.

Location Information:

(281) 427-7400

1677 W Baker Rd Ste 1701, Baytown, TX, 77521




Fellow Research Award




University of New Mexico School of Medicine

Why did we choose
Dr. Michael Hopson, MD
as one of our Top Doctors

Dr. Michael Hopson is a top doctor at top3doctors.com due to his dedication to providing compassionate and individualized patient care. His belief in shared decision-making and coordinating care that meets patients’ goals and expectations sets him apart. His expertise in sports medicine allows him to treat athletes at all stages of life and levels of competition, making him a valuable asset in the medical field.

Contact Info:

1401 Westwood Blvd., Unit 320, Los Angeles, CA, 90024

