Dr. Rowena Rosales

A top Family Medicine in New York, known for exceptional care and expertise.

Dr. Rowena Rosales

Dr. Rowena Rosales is a board-certified family medicine physician and an assistant professor of family medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. She provides comprehensive primary care for adults and children, with a focus on preventive medicine, chronic disease management, and women’s health. She also performs minor procedures, such as skin biopsies, joint injections, and IUD insertions. She is fluent in English and Spanish.

Location Information:

(212) 252-6171

55 E 34th St Fl 2, New York 10016







MD, University of the Philippines College of Medicine Residency, Internal Medicine St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center

Why did we choose
Dr. Rowena Rosales
as one of our Top Doctors

Dr. Rowena Rosales is chosen as a top doctor by top3doctors.com due to her extensive experience and dedication in the field of Family Medicine. Her commitment to providing comprehensive care to her patients, coupled with her ability to manage a wide range of health conditions, makes her stand out in her field. Her strong educational background and her affiliation with the Mount Sinai Health System further attest to her capabilities.

Contact Info:

1401 Westwood Blvd., Unit 320, Los Angeles, CA, 90024

