Dr. Steven Dayan

A top Dermatology in Chicago, known for exceptional care and expertise.

Dr. Steven Dayan

Dr. Steven Dayan is a dermatologist and plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience. He is a clinical assistant professor of otolaryngology and the medical director of SDMD and True Skin Care Center and has expertise in facial aesthetics, laser surgery, and injectables.

Location Information:

(312) 335-2070

845 N Michigan Ave, Ste 923E Chicago, IL 60611




Patients’ top choice award, Doctor has top marks across all patient-rated categories




University of Illinois College of Medicine

Why did we choose
Dr. Steven Dayan
as one of our Top Doctors

Dr. Steven Dayan is a top doctor at top3doctors.com due to his extensive experience and high patient satisfaction. His unique approach to facial plastic surgery sets him apart in his field.

Contact Info:

1401 Westwood Blvd., Unit 320, Los Angeles, CA, 90024

